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I Know a Guy (House Rule)

House Rule

In the spirit of The Empire Strikes Back, when Han Solo heads to Lando for help, a player may declare that their character "knows a guy". This can happen once per story and must be dramatically appropriate.

In a situation where it makes sense, the PC declares "I know a guy" and then quickly sketches that NPC and the relationship. Fewer details are usually better - that leaves room for the ST and PC's to play.

Upon declaration, the NPC exists. Then, when the PC's try to interact with the NPC, the player who created them makes a roll to see how the NPC reacts. Depending on the situation, the ST may decide Doors need to be opened (see https://rpgpad.com/c/paradi_city/setting/social_maneuvering) or that your character starts at a better, or worse, relationship than the default.

This is a simple and loose mechanic inviting players to create critical NPC's and continue developing the backstory as they play.

Upon being created, the NPC has one thing they're very proficient at (5 dice), one thing they're good at (4 dice), one thing they're skilled at (3 dice), and 2 dice for all other rolls. Each NPC has 2 Willpower.

For example, upon failing to escape the police and being locked up in a Paradi Holding Cell, looking at a capital murder charge, the PC declares "I know a guy".

When the character's father found himself with a load of debt from his partners failing business, and the resulting financial scandal, he turned to a lawyer of dubious reputation to help him out. The guy's name was Joseph Berrill, and he was probably mob-connected, but when you're looking at twenty-to-life, even the devil might seem appealing if he can keep you out of jail.

Berrill made the problem go away but he wasn't cheap. Still, you've got his business card, with his personal cell written on the back, shoved in the back of your wallet, and while you might (will) end up having to pay for this later, he's the one lawyer you might actually be able to contact in five minutes when they give you that one obligatory call.

Joseph Berrill Traits

Practicing Law: 5 dice

Smooth Talking: 4 dice

Financial Schemes: 3 dice

All Others: 2 dice

Willpower: 2