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Mood: Fucking Human (Farrah)

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LOCATION: The Compound

Time: Sometime

Farrah lays on her side, in her little slice of paradise inside the compound. She’s curled up slightly on the bed, hand resting lightly near one of her stitched up wounds. There had been a lot of change here lately, much more than anyone should have to deal with in such short a period of time, and it was starting to take its toll. She always found herself to be an emotionally strong person having done a lot of growing up since her teenage years after her parents passed, but no one could plan for finding out they had werewolf blood in them and that there was a lot more scary shit out there than they ever knew.

She felt stupid for being all weepy, it also didn’t help that she knew her monthly was going to start soon. The very thought horrified her because Shackles was always sniffing the air, and sniffing her, would all of them know!? Farrah was mortified, and hoped that they all had sense to keep their mouths shut about it. That was just one more thing to add to a growing list of concerns she was having with her ‘new’ life.

A lot of things clicked into place when she found out more about what Shackles and the crew were, on some really primal level it made a lot of sense. She wasn’t alone in her freakness. They were full on werewolves for shits sake, but there was Danny and he obviously knew, how had he found out or did he always know? It probably didn’t matter much in the end, they were all in this boat together she supposed.