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Simkin Brandklinge

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Call of the Dragons

There was a time when the Voran Empire may have clashed steel with a few of the noble houses of the Republic, and during that time there were nobles who crossed more than swords. Simkin is the result of such a crossing, a Voran man who has the blood of the SRR in his veins. Until now not knowing exactly where that blood came from. The Atianna have come to the side of the Voran lands, and with that grew the calling of Simkin's Draconic side.

Information Statistic
Height 6'2"
Weight 210 lbs.
Hair Silver White/Grey
Eyes Golden Yellow (Slight Glow)
Common Garb Shirt, Breeches, Studded Leather Armor
Common Arm Bastard Sword
Nationality Voran
Played By Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia