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Jahana Ubanishol

Jahana Ubanishol - Warrior Poet

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5'8" tall, blue hair, eyes of green sea glass, armed with a metal trident and a silver tongue, Jahana Ubanishol finds work as a warrior poet - a Skald. She works for those who can pay her, inspiring troops and intimidating foes. She has spent time with nobles and no names alike.

In her youth, she fell in love with a pirate and followed him out of the sea and into his world. She has not looked back since.

Her exotic looks, which she found were not actually so exotic in either her sea home or her newfound lands, gained her an audience with the Pirate Lord of the region. He asked her to fight by his side and to tell his tale. And so it began ...

Personal mantra: Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam