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Differences on Timeline

Differences between by and the current version
**Prehistoric Period**: More than 3000 years ago This is a time before writing and metal working. The only remnants of this period are large stones which have been moved around. They are known as Standing Stones, and sometimes stand alone, sometimes in circles. Some are stacked and these formations are called Dolmen. They originate from somewhere, and were made for some reason, but this has long been lost to history. **Clay Shards Period**: 3000-2200 years ago First signs of civilization on Urt, known mostly from piles of pottery shards found by the side of ancient roadways. Suspected human sacrifice and worship of the sky. No cities known to exist yet. **Stone Period**: 2200-1600 years ago The most ancient stone ruins – none of them still standing – stem from this period, including ruins of (small) old cities, some of which had primitive waterworks. Significant agriculture and people living with and worshiping fey and spirits. Duirt was, in this time period, known as Windamore, possibly keeping the name from the Clay Shards Period. There are no major nations yet. **Sea Period**: 1600-1300 years ago Duirt turns away from the ancient customs and angers the spirits, changing from living off the land to living off the sea. This is the period of the first written records, mostly in stone (or possibly that's all which survived), and the first artifacts not created on the Island, indicating trade with the mainland. Duirt grows into a major city, attracting people from all around. **Iron Period**: 1300-1000 years ago Arcane magic becomes formalized and mages rise to power in Duirt. First iron weapons are from this period. The [[Empire of Empire of [[Duirt]], led by House Darkmoore, conquers the entire south of the island as well large parts of the mainland. First description of the island groups that will later become the Silver Rain Republic are made on maps of explorers. **Dark Period Period**: 1000-800 years ago Empire of [[Duirt]] falls, breaks up into many smaller, independent parts. City loses a significant amount of wealth and population. War, famine and disease are common. Few records survive from this period. The islands that will later become the Silver Rain Republic organisze trade between the split factions and profit significantly from it, laying the groundwork of what will later become the Silver Rain Republic. The establishment of the South Quarter as being the place where these factions trade stems from this period. **Light Period**: 800-500 years ago [[Ecclesia]] rises to become a prominent religion. As more nobles convert, a nation is formed, conquering the southern half of Urt, including the city of Duirt, reuniting much of the Urt territories of the old Empire. [[Vorus]], one of the provinces of the Empire, conquers its neighbors on the mainland and establishes the Voran Pantheon as its state religion. The Silver Rain Republic is formed de-facto, but not yet de-jure. Rather than a formal nation, independent families and groups work so closely together that they are, factually, a nation, even if not claiming to be one. Many SRR territories are established during this period **War Period**: 500 years ago to 350 years ago The Silver Rain Republic experiences a large scale cold war between families, who are officially not at war, but who are clearly in armed conflict. Various skirmishes take place between the three nations, culminating in the invasion of Urt by Vorus. Voran troops, led by [[Ermis Tenderfoot]] the Great, land on Urt with the goal of destroying Eccles and adding its territories to the Kingdom. They only manage to get as far as Duirt, where they are stopped. A peace treaty establishes the neutrality of the Central Quarter in Duirt and the current borders, after a fleet of Silver Rain Republic ships arrives. Most historians agree that neither [[Eccles]] nor Vorus side wishes to risk the Silver Rain Republic joining the other side. **Peace Period**: 350 years ago to now The [[Silver Rain Republic]] is officially formed, establishing the elected Doge as a compromise between the conflicting families. Vorus develops into the Mageocratic Monarchy it is today, formally establishing the current royal family. Saints and cults surrounding them become an important part of Ecclesian culture and customs. **Modern Period**: Now Vorus split into two nations, [[North Vorus]] and [[South Vorus]] after a succession dispute, leaving Duirt as part of South Vorus. An unexplained event disrupts magic and even time itself, causing havoc in the city which takes over a decade to be restored. Orcs besiege the city of Duirt. ==== Pages covering History ==== [show] Tag [[History]] [/show]