Differences on Vydia Capella (was Vydia)
A bard and [[Spica Capella]]'s childhood friend. Originally lived in a mer/aventi village on the SRR plateau but became missing, presumed dead, when the sahuagin invaded and wiped the village out. Recently discovered leading a band of merfolk refugees, mainly women and children, trying to survive while dodging sahuagin. All the refugees were relocated to the Mer Kingdom[[Mer Kingdom]] near Duirt.
Is now married to Spica, using a loophole in the mer kingdom's new law about same-sex marriages - as there was nothing in the paperwork asking about race, even though it was still suspected that aventi/mer marriages would be frowned upon. Vidya now worksworked as an assistant to Ambassador Aquana Sirena[[Aquana Sirena]] at the Embassy[[Aquatic Embassy]]. She doesn't often come on land as, even with the fins to feet spell, she needs a walking stick and it's tiring to be under the influence of gravity for too long.
Currently pregnantThe pair have two children - due sometime mid July 2020[[Harmony Capella | Harmony]] (female merchild) and [[Melody Capella | Melody]] (female aventi).
She now works as [[Sanctuary | Sanctuary's]] liason to the Mer Kingdom and to the Aquatic Embassy.
Is a level 1016 bard with Cha 2022