Differences on Sylkis Proudshadow
42'117" tall
Blonde curls
Blue-Grey eyes
~15-18 years old
Uber sheltered/innocent
Sylkis Proudshadow is the 3rd of 5 children born to Meriel and Zeb Proudshadow. Unlike her siblings, she grew up **//VERY//** sheltered by parents who were "saving" her for their special night - the night they sacrifice her to a dark god for power enough to live up to their surname.
Her family lived on the outskirts of Duirt - poor farmers, isolated due to being "surly" neighbors. This reputation was engineered. They don't want folx to know that they are, in fact, in cahoots with less than savory deities in an attempt to rise above their station.
While the other children worked the land, or the folx around them, to scrabble what they could for the family's needs by hook or by crook, Sylkis was kept away from all. She needed to remain pure in body, mind, and spirirt. As such, she created for herself a vast imaginary world in which she resided. Eyes turned inward so often gain a far away look when turned outward. So it was with her own enormous blue-grey eyes. They always seem as though they were seeing what isn't really there.
Lack of proper nutrition has resulted in a tiny frame. With this, and her blonde tresses, she appears, for all who see her, as though she is not quite of this world, or quite in it ... not that she would know.
She also has latent psionic abilities that manifest when she experience emotional distress. Her parents figured as much, and early on, which is why she was chosen amongst their other children for this momentous event.
Eventually, her family's nefarious actions and associations cause their neighbors to report them to the authorities. Both guards and God show up on the doorstep. In an attempt to appease one, if not the other, they offer up the girl to the Church as part of their penance. In the kerfuffle of getting it all sorted, her family scarpers.
Once the Ecclesians got their hands on her (er, I mean "rescued her"), and realized what they had, she was shipped straight to the Cathedral ... for her own good.
She thrives there, in the quiet, but is learning more and more about the real world as she ventures into it.