Differences on Hill of Belief
The Hill of Belief, isthough largely ceremonial was utterly and completely destroyed when a hillmassive inbeast Centraltunneled Quartunder withit and caused it and a large watchtowerportion onf top.he Idistrict isto fall in. Thousands were killed in the event. City officials have not mannesaid byif soldiers,it will be repaired given it's history. The massive crater was cleared out of rubble but ratheremains thea publicmassive canempty visithole andwith overlookbarricades theo city,prevent as well as purchase various comfort foodspeople from vendorsfalling nearby. The hill features several large planters with forget-me-nots.
As a sad part of its history, the Hill of Belief is also a place where people come to end their lives, believing that a jump from the watchtower will make their life better - if they survive. It is said that belief in this is key - if you jump but do not believe, death is certain.