Differences on Market of Tears
So named for the crying of mothers or children when a loved one is sold away on the Slave Market place where thousands ofin this area of the city. The Slave pits are kept nearby to allow the Slave Masters to get to the slaves are sold daily, the Market sustained next to no damage as Slaves were used to defend the area while arcanists where used to keep damage away from it. Even thoughmore quickly for easy sales. No slave has ever escaped the market of tears and lived. Despite the grim nature of the place, it survived mostly unharmed during the Siege, recently a group of slaves escaped and incited a Riothas been cheered up with planters of roses.
Slavers in the rumors Slave Tunnels putting the Market closeboats trawl up and down the islands, looking for the first timedebtors to buy and then sell on in decadesthe South Voran capital, to various families and on into Duirt.