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Differences on Ulric Treny

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Born the eldest son of athe minor noblemans Sir Emil and Lady Gaylene in House Treny, Ulric did not show any magical aptitude from an early age to the disappointment of his parents, instead preferring to pick up the art of the sword. The rapier swiftly became his chosen weapon and he dedicated himself to mastering the art of the light blade. Ulric travelled occasionally, but mostly stayed in Duirt, ever sharpening his wit and finesse of his chosen weapon. Slow to anger and quick to forgive, he worked hard to keep himself out of trouble even as he continued training relentlessly. His easy smile can change when the blade is drawn and his warm demeanor can become as hard as the steel he wields. He enjoys the art of engineering as well, and enjoys a ride now and then, focused on his light war horse when needed. Recently promoted to a Captain of the House Treny Guard, he takes his responsibility seriously and seeks to prove himself and his house further. Wearing his leather armour and travelling clothes as easily as he wears his noble clothes, he seeks to make his mark in a positive manner. His rapier hangs easily at his side and a masterworked bow now sits on his back. ^^ Stat ^^ Public Information || || Profession: || Rapier Master || || Height: || 6'4" || || Weight: || 200 lb || || Hair: || Black, shoulder length, trimmed off his face || || Eyes: || Grey || || Residence: || The Treny Estate || || Occupation: || A Captain of the Treny House Guard || [[https://youtu.be/Ci1S5fqBAqU?si=YP3N8BGtwRflzYZx|Eternal Eclipse - Chronicles of a Hero]]