They call her Vyllynn. She's a shadow that moves between shadows ... and she's for hire.
A half-elf stalker who prefers two-legged prey, she spends her time and makes her money being a ... .... .... problem solver.
Some folx refer to her as "The Fixer", as in "I know someone who can fix that for you". Only one person knows her real name - a half sister and sometimes accomplice, Sa'anvi.
There are rumors about how she looks - some say tall and willowy. Others say waifish. Black hair, brown, none at all. Golden eyes, red, green, blue, no one is really sure.
The truth is that she is all of those things, depending on who's looking. Her gift for disguise is one of her many talents. The other is poison. Why dirty your hands when you can arrange yourself to be elsewhere when the deed is done?
She even hides herself from her contracts ... and they from her. Though, in that case, it's so that each my have plausible deniability. But she knows. She always knows. There is always some tell tale moment, some give away - a vocal cue, a piece of clothing, a scent.
She asks for half up front - to cover unseen costs - and half on proof of successful fulfillment. Challenges to completion are ... extra. If they do arise, she will not move forward without a re-negotiation. She doesn't work for free, after all.