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Magic Weapon Prices

In Novus Utum, magic weapon enhancements are cheaper than normal. Instead of the usual prices, we use the following:

Weapon Core Rulebook Bonus Base Price 1 Novus Utum Bonus Base Price 1
+1 2,000 gp 1,000 gp
+2 8,000 gp 4,000 gp
+3 18,000 gp 9,000 gp
+4 32,000 gp 16,000 gp
+5 50,000 gp 25,000 gp
+62 72,000 gp 36,000 gp
+72 98,000 gp 49,000 gp
+82 128,000 gp 64,000 gp
+92 162,000 gp 81,000 gp
+102 200,000 gp 100,000 gp

1 For ammunition, this price is for 50 arrows, bolts, or bullets.

2 A weapon can't have an enhancement bonus higher than +5. Use these lines to determine price when special abilities are added in.

Note that this reduction applies ONLY to the enhancement bonus and magic items that add to said enhancement bonus. The reduction does not apply to the weapons base price, its Masterwork component, special materials or any magic enhancements that add a raw cost to the item. It also does not apply for specific weapons. It applies ONLY to the enhancement bonus, including enchantments that modify it.