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High Level Magic

High Level Magic has an impact on the setting and as such, the DM team has made certain assumptions about the world and the way it interacts with certain high level spells, limiting their overall impact. These assumptions are made not to limit spells, but to balance the overarching world itself and are listed here. Others may be added later at the DM teams discretion.


This concerns the Teleport spell and all spells and powers that have similar effects. The list below are presumptions about the world and do not affect the Teleport spell itself, so much as the world in which it exists.

  • Non-magical materials exists which can block Teleportation. These material have been known about ever since teleportation existed and can - and have been - used to construct things like dungeons, defences and safes that cannot be teleported into. Area's where these material are in the ground are impossible to teleport to. Also blocks various other invasive travel methods like etherealness, blinking, phase shifting, etc.
  • Powerful rituals exist which block teleporation to a region. Eccles might use such in case of war with Vorus to prevent the enemy from teleporting behind their lines or spies into their command tents, for example.
  • More sinisterly, rituals and spells which redirect incoming - or outgoing - teleportation exist. When active, they might redirect someone teleporting in to the bottom of a lava lake, into a cell or barbican or other unpleasant location. More peaceful use would be an arrival platform where customs can check to make sure you're not carrying a deadly disease.
  • Teleportation itself causes damage to reality itself. If too many teleportations happen in a general location, reality start to tear and “bad stuff” starts happening. Most players needn't be concerned with this
  • To prevent Duirt from becoming a place where reality is torn, there are certain legal restrictions on teleportation
  • You can bring equipment but not “goods” when teleporting. This prevents teleport being used for mass transportation of stuff like food or diamonds.


This concerns the Planeshift spells as well as other spells or powers related to interplanar travel. Here too, the spell itself is not limited, merely the way the world works regarding it.

  • Portal keys (that is, the focus component necessary for the Plane Shift spell or any other methods by which other planes can be visited) are rare items and require DM team approval to give out. You cannot buy them.
  • Other planes are inherently dangerous and not conductive to life from the normal world. They cannot be visited easily and it is difficult to survive there, especially in the longer run. This limitation also holds for “friendly” places, even heaven dimensions. The longer or more often you visit, the worse it gets.