Using Names, Aliases and Real Names
Depending on how the campaign is set up, only certain roles may be able to edit the page to set names. Even with these settings, certain pages may still be locked to specific players.
Any wiki page, regardless of whether it is in the Setting, Rules or Notes namespace, needs a title, which is entered (or edited) just above the content of the page. In most cases, that's all there is to it.
Especially in the Setting namespace though, the people, objects, places and organizations described there go by different names. Lady Covington may be known to the players as The Duchess while the Lonely Mountain may be known as Erebor to the elves. For these alternative names, you can add Aliases to the wiki page
The list of aliases is not just a quick reference: when creating links, linking the alias will also link to the correct wiki page, and the page will appear under both its normal title and all of its aliases in the index.
Special: titles must be unique, but aliases can overlap with one another or with titles. If multiple pages share a name, the wiki will automatically create a disambiguation box at the top (i.e. "did you mean the other Lady Covington?")

Advanced option: real name
Page Titles must be unique over the namespace
Using the Advanced...
button right of the title, you can open a special option to add a 'Real Name'. The real name is the canonical name of the person, place, etc being described, and it is used to create the page url.
Real names must be unique over the entire namespace, and any duplicate links will give precedence to a page by real name first, title next and page alias last.
In general, the real name is used for characters who have titles. Grandmaster Batvar'Dur may have the real name Balin Batvar'Dur for example, while Duchess Covington may have the real name Victoria Overwood of Covington.