Add a new Forum
To add a forum, you need either the moderator or operator role.
To add a new forum, go to the forum overview by pressing the Forum button in the pages main menu, then select Manage Forums.
Here, you can add an ungrouped forum or add a forum to a group using the ‘Add new forum to group...’ button at the bottom of each group.

Once you click the button, a form appears to set the details of the new forum.

You can set the forum title and description – the description (but not the title) can use special formatting such as bold text or links. You can also upload an image to be used as the icon for the forum. If no icon is set, the default icon for forums will be used.
You can also set whether guests – people who are not players in the campaign – are allowed to post here, and configure if the forum is visible only to a limited set of players, for example for Storytellers.
Special: You cannot have forums with the same or very similar name, even in different groups