Roleplay Rewards, Adventuring and Timespans
To view time spans, you need either the moderator or operator role.
Whenever roleplay takes place in a room in the chat, a time span entry is generated for the roleplay there. This time span allows a storyteller to quickly review when a session took place, and who participated, usually to grant rewards like experience points.
The time spans button is slightly hidden. Open the chat, then shrink it to show the main menu. The Time Spans button is in the top right corner. Alternatively, the button is visible in the same location while browsing the chat archives.
Once in the Time Spans overview, you can see the chats and roleplays of the past two weeks. Each entry lists the room name, when the chat took place as well as who participated (and with which character or NPC) and what percentage of the messages was theirs.
Roleplay Rewards using Time Spans (Pathfinder only)
If you are using the Pathfinder system, you can also use time spans to grant experience and gold for a roleplay or adventure
To grant rewards, enter the amount of gold and xp for each character, optionally fill in an award summary and then click grant awards - the sheets will be automatically updated.
Tip: If you have a larger community which rewards roleplay even when storytellers are not present, you can use time spans to check for roleplay and give rewards.
When using time spans in this manner, it may be useful to exclude the lobby and other out of character rooms from generating time spans. To do so, edit the room and turn off the 'Produce time spans' option at the bottom of the edit form.