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That was the biggest... (Animals Spotted)

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All around Duirt, people have been talking about strange happenings, and the only thing that makes them strange is if you hear all of them together. One person will talk about how they seen the biggest alley-cat they've ever seen, it had to have been the size of a halfling just prowling around old-town, the moment I've done my double take, the thing was gone! Just vanished!

While a young couple can be over heard talking about the strange rat they had in their house last night, it was enormous! Oddly enough, however, it almost looked like the rat was talking to their dog...But by the time the wife had gotten her husband, it was gone.

Similarly someone thought they saw a big squirrel, but it turned out to be a chipmunk! The chipmunk was scurrying around the market as though it were looking for something, sniffing here, chittering to birds there, and then before anyone could really get a close look at the critter, it vanished into an alley somewhere.

Finally there's been a large mastiff dog that has been roaming the streets, no one knows exactly where the dog came from, or who its owner is, the closest anyone has ever mentioned was it kind of looks like one of the Frostville hounds that have escaped from the town being destroyed, perhaps? But it's been seen tracking and hunting in the city, no one knows why, but the dog seemed friendly enough.

Samson himself can sometimes be seen marching around with five tiny kittens that he had rescued, he doesn't seem to be worried about the large animals around town, some rumors claim that they are his companions that are helping to watch over Duirt, other's say that he's bringing them into town to maybe help with the pest problems in the maze, mostly druids and rangers know the tell tale signs that the large animals are in fact him that is using his forms to talk to the animals of the city and gather information on...something.