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serpent slaying and blockade breaking

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Official report, twelfth day of the month of march.

Junior officer Raven Darkhallow reporting.

At 8 bells last evening, i along with a group of adventurers, some of whom i could not get names for. insert descriptions of norret, hymlirr, shaylara, selis, melody, demhir and abelia. we engaged forces during an evacuation ordered by the admiral and overseen in conjunction with house atianna. during the course of this, a small platoon of orc raiders, lead by an ogre mage attempted to stop the departing civilians.

we defended our citizenry and boarded as many possible among the refugee ships in an attempt to run the blockade. myself, abelia, demhir and the aventi(melody), boarded as part of the protection detail. during the corse of our escape, we encountered the sea serpent.

combat with the serpent came after the first vessel had been crushed by the beast. through use of balistae, spell castings and traditional ranged and melee weaponry, the beast was felled. a short period of time was spent collecting survivors of the first vessel, though in an effeort to save more, rowboats were deployed for remaining survivors.

shortly there after, we encountered the doges forces, having sucessfully sunk or crippled all ships and vessels as part of the anti blockade forces being provided. after accepting a ride back to the city, the doge had a minor altercation with one of the nobles at the docks, a claim fo house elwyn not wanting to hold up agreed upon terms.

report is concluded.