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Months after the siege was successfully defended, the city has finally completed the most important repairs.

The city walls have been completely restored, including the rebuilding of the collapsed sections on the Ecclesian side that bore the brunt of the damage. The piles of rubble have been cleared, and each tower is equipped with trebuchets ready to repel attackers at a moments notice.

After an incident, the city has also declared a new law - from this day forth, it will be illegal to use alchemical or magical smoke within range of the cities defenses. Penalty is set at a steep 2 gold pieces. The law also stipulates that the city is not liable for damages caused by illegal use of smoke.

The various bridges within the city are newly operational and discussions are abound about charging a toll to help cover the cost as the efforts ran quite a bit over their intended budget. Likewise, the port, in particular the various docks that were damaged, have all been restored.

Most importantly, the refugees hiding in the city during the siege have mostly been returning home, though a large minority have settled in the city permanently, swelling the population of the poorer districts: the ratways, tanner's island and beggars market are all busy with those seeking a different life.

And then there is the maze of course - the collapse of the area as part of the siege has opened up tunnels, but a lot of the area has been flooded. To deal with the water, a number of windmills are being constructed, which will pump the water out of the tunnels to allow access to the area - both because of the interest in what's there and to reinforce the area and prevent future collapse. Likely the Doge, now in principle in charge of the area, will likely want a cut of what's down there.

The Cathedral has completed the Book of the Dead, listing the names of all who died during the siege, as well as the location of their burial. Those still seeking loved ones may find out more from the book and can request a reburial of the deceased should they want them transferred to a family grave or the like. The last ones added to the book were the ones found at Abalone Beach, which has since been cleared.

Several memorials to the dead can be found throughout the city, one on Abalone Beach, carved in fine stone, another in Heroes Park and the largest one in the new Crusader Church, which started services not long ago.

With all these repairs done, many wonder what the next step for the city will be, though there are already rumours abound as to things that are happening and will happen.