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Beware of Whom you Work With and Trust. No honor from Melody Capella and Raziel DoAna

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Dracina returned home and told her family about her adventures for the evening. She told about the lady that asked them to retrieve magical items from within a shop that she inherited and that they could be cursed items. She explained how a group of them accepted the job...and brought back the chest along with a magical rod that controlled Golems...that were probably guardians of the home. Melody wanted to turn everything over to the Tower...and Raziel wanted to keep the Control Rod for the Golems. Dracina could not believe that they accepted a COMMISSION to do this...and then two of the members turn into thieves and wants to take what is not theirs from a lady that was clearly a bit eccentric. She informs her mother and ALL of House Atianna to beware of Melody Capella and Raziel DoAna before storming off in a huff

If Raziel hears about the rumor or is confronted by a member of the house he simply laughs and says "Check your house records for what I do for a living. You all hired me" before walking away, still laughing

Melody is deeply offended and saddened hearing this. "I DID'NT" she whined clearly upset. "That's NOT true. I NEVER intended anything of the sort. I ... just wanted to check to see if she was in fact the legitimate owner of the establishment. I NEVER said ANYTHING about turning anything over to the Tower ... well ..... maybe the documents .. but that was to HELP her *sighs*. I .. just wanted to be ... sure .. I was taught never to assume ... And now not only did I fail to make new friends, I managed to ruin my reputation as well ... "

*sniffle* "Anyone know how to make this right?"

*goes to hide in the Maze*

Selis was in the Dead Dog while Melody was having her little complaining session, and promptly ordered a plate of cheese, crackers, and a bottle of wine with two glasses, and invited the wizard over to her table to share the snack. As she poured the wizard a glass of sweet bubbly, the sorceress declared with sly satisfaction.

"I heard you liked to whine. So I got you some wine to drink with your whine. That way you can wine while you whine." *GRIN.*

Most agree this . . .cheesy remark, made in response to Melody's earnest, desperate plea for a way to make things right, is probably part of what drove her off to the Maze. In response to the fleeing Melody's reaction, Selis flung her arms wide in exasperation. Rolling her eyes. The snek gurl then snickered amusedly. "Sooooo cute when she's pouting. . .heheheh. . ." And happily munched away at the rest of her snacks herself.