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Wedding Gowns

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"It is your own fault really" a woman in a long blue gown with fine silver embroidery explained. "We had to made due with what we had since you decided to go out sailing at the last possible minute."

Alicia sighed - very lightly as that was all she was able to manage. They were right of course, but that did not make it any more comfortable.

"You are lucky your cousins on the mainland even managed to get your sizing from that dressmaker in Port Chalmers. Otherwise your dress would never be ready on time. Silly girl disappearing like that."

Alicia was standing on a small step-stool and the gown they were talking about was draped around her, a huge and multilayered affair with fine details that would look absolutely stunning on the girl if they could ever managed to get her corset pulled in tight enough that she'd fit into it.

"Well, I may have gained a bit of weight since then..." she admitted guilt-fully. The dressmaker in Port Chalmers had measured her after she spent a full four weeks at sea travelling to different places.

"You will just have to diet until your wedding." the woman in blue noted, as the seamstress gave another pull on the girls lacing to pull it in tighter. "And probably avoid eating during the events..."

"... It is a three day wedding, Mother" Alicia protested, after she was able to catch her breath again.

"Can't you ask that girl you aided to lace you in? Lady Ven Atianna? You said she was strong?"

"Maybe you should join me and Neri in the water Alicia" Rani suggested "A five mile swim a day should fix the problem. Either that or a five mile jog like Mother used to do."

"I'm still surprised it can't be adjusted though"

"I can make it smaller, but not bigger" the seamstress explained "If I add in a panel, there it would be a visible seam" it seemed there was general consensus that was an unacceptable sacrifice, and Alicia would just have to tough it out.

"Yes, some exercise might be good for you" the woman in blue nodded. "Instead of you spending time in that stuffy church"

"Mother, please do not start on that..." Alicia protested

"Regardless, it does not matter how tight your corset is, your husband will take your breath away either way when you finally see him."

Alicia nodded. It was a better subject than the religious differences between her relatives and her, though she wasn't entirely sure on that she was settled on this one either.

"I just hope we will get along... though I suppose it would not hurt if he was handsome..."

"To be honest Lady Ferency" I have never understood the need for the corset. Mother never wore one and neither have I. I guess it's a human thing."

"And you might be pleasantly surprised Alicia. I know Mother was .. even before she married Father. Although they did meet before the wedding. Why hasn't Alicia been able to meet her husband to be? Or is that another human custom?"

"They help shape the body to the right silhouette, smooth out the dress and serve as a foundation to help carry the weight of the skirts and train. Plus, they can enhance the bosom" the seamstress explained before Alicia could even open her mouth. Naturally the professional dressmaker would know her stuff.

"I pray it is so" she smiled to Rani "And it is not our custom, it is just..."

"Oh why would she even need to meet her husband, it won't change anything anyway" the woman in blue interjected, taking Alicia by surprise at least "With Sarantha marrying King Reginald, we need allies, and House Golika fits the purpose." she stated matter of factly "Besides, your father spent almost three months negotiating the arrangement, and he got an excellent deal."

Alicia remained quiet a moment, not quite sure how to handle that statement

"I still would have liked to have been involved..." she stated softly, her head bowed down as she eventually settled on her words.

"Nonsense, there was nothing for you to be involved with. We got an alliance, new lands, gold, horses. You would have just gotten emotionally invested."

Alicia looked extremely uncomfortable, and the cause wasn't the corset.

"Oh yes .. the train." Rani giggled. "Mom told me stories of trains that were so long, they were longer than ... well, I think from here to the opposite wall Mom called them ridiculous and absolutely impractical but, apparently they were the rage in the Royal Court for a while."

But no ... my first coming out ball ... I trashed that gown ... and to make it even more humorous. they had to give up putting Prilla into one."

"And as for enhancing bosoms. I like mine just the way it is. So does Neri."

Rani has dressed up a bit for this visit though, just not to the full extent.

"You should wear whatever makes you feel comfortable" Alicia smiled warmly at Rani, very happy for the change of subject. "And you'll look beautiful no matter what you wear"

"Can we show her the train?" she inquired of the seamstress, who nodded and moved to get it "It will not be anywhere as long as back in those days, but it still needs to make an impression"

"I remember those." her mother agreed "Maybe we should put you in a longer one..." she pondered

"Not sure that's a good idea" Rani said. "With all due respect of course Lady Ferency but Mom did regale me with stories or ripped trains, trip ups, snagged trains and a few other ... incidents, at least one involving a rather large cake and a very obnoxious Lady. Full in the face. Everyone laughed. Nearly caused a minor diplomatic incident."

"I think it was after that when trains started getting shorter again"

"Besides, trains aren't really appropriate for halfling parties. You should come to one of our Spring Festivals sometime. Even twirling around the dance floor in a waltz must be awkward in a train. Or do you ditch those for the dance? Are trains detachable?"

"Naturally Alicia will be the perfect image of elegance and beauty, with no such incidents" the woman in blue noted, though it somehow seemed less like a suggestion or prediction and more like a command. "She is representing House Ferency, after all"

"It depends on the train" Alicia interjected as the seamstress returned with a large and heavy looking gathering of fine white fabric, which she then carefully began to unroll behind Alicia. "Some can be detached, though mine will be bustled up, so it will not get in the way. It is why I suggested this length, it will still have the dramatic look in the cathedral, while being... manageable." she explained to her mother as much as to Rani.

"It is a proper cathedral length train" the seamstress confirmed "It will be sewn onto the waist, at the top of the skirt, and it will make for a very dramatic walk down the aisle of the Cathedral. It is made of a base layered with silk, very fine organza layering for an iridescent shine to match the gown, and finally a layer of finely embroidered lace." the woman explained, showing the different layers. It did look quite beautiful. "And it can be bustled up after the ceremony" she confirmed. From the way she had brought it in, it would make for quite a dramatic bustle regardless.

"Well, as long as it is longer than the one Sarantha will wear" her mother noted "Vanessa is not getting the better of me this time." she warned, referencing Sarantha's mother

Rani is a bit taken aback by the name 'Vanessa' as the only Vanessa she knows is Vanessa Kraken, whom she spent a rather unexpected odd but enjoyable night with

"Oh. So that's what that lump on the back of the gown is." she replied.

"I've always thought that was a built in cushion for sitting down on. Or had a cushion inside it ... or something. But yeah, that sorta makes sense"

"I have to admit Lady Ferency. I only went for the basic gown design for the balls I've attended on land. Something I could get in and out of with little or no assistance, especially if I was providing some of the entertainment later. Besides, I wasn't there to impress or take the spotlight. I was *shrugs* just there for a good time.

"Still, I have to admit, I haven't really thought about what I'm going to wear for my wedding, or handfast, as the merfolk call it. It's sort of tempting to re-wear that flowy silk outfit I wore for Prince Mako's birthday ball. I even got to dance with the Prince himself a few times".

"But a few things really need to happen first before I can get married. An 'in' with merfolk nobility and a permanent waterbreathing" She sighs in frustration.