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The Shadow Cat is hunting Father

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After the island adventure where Lolth proved herself a failure but had made an attempt to kill someone important to Leigh (( Captain Sami )). He wouldn't stand idle for that. Leigh began to search and hunt Father even more single mindedly. High and low, there would be no way for the devil to hide from him. Using contacts on the shadow plane as well as his worldly ones he silently stalked it. He worked on his plans to weaken if not kill Lolth herself as he did so. (( Stacking on top of what he already knew. ))

Former rolls were-


Leigh Leigh (Diplomacy): 31 = 1d20 [19] + 12 — Gathering Information

Leigh Leigh (Knowledge (Local)): 33 = 1d20 [20] + 13

New Knowledge (Local): Leigh (played by Daymian)

a few seconds ago

Leigh Leigh (Knowledge (Local)): 26 = 1d20 [13] + 13

Leigh (Stealth): 25 = 1d20 [8] + 17
Leigh (Diplomacy): 24 = 1d20 [12] + 12
Leigh (Knowledge (Planes)): 15 = 1d20 [7] + 8
Leigh (Perception): 17 = 1d20 [3] + 14

Another week, and the shadow cat used it for more hunting. Oh Father....where are you? musical laughter sometimes coming from the shadows all around.

(( All the skills stacking from information gained before to advance the hunt. ))

Leigh (Diplomacy): 26 = 1d20 [14] + 12 Gathering Information.
Leigh (Knowledge (Local)): 16 = 1d20 [3] + 13
Leigh (Knowledge (Planes)): 10 = 1d20 [2] + 8
Leigh (Perception): 33 = 1d20 [19] + 14
Leigh (Stealth): 26 = 1d20 [9] + 17

Another week and the Shadow Cat was still Hunting for Father and all of his minions. Dispatching all that he finds to weaken that disgusting cult.

(( Yes I know this is Northus's thing and he's away right now. But I'm just wanting to keep things going for when he comes back. ))

Leigh (Diplomacy): 24 = 1d20 [12] + 12 Gathering Information
Leigh (Knowledge (Local)): 14 = 1d20 [1] + 13
Leigh (Knowledge (Planes)): 14 = 1d20 [6] + 8
Leigh (Perception): 23 = 1d20 [9] + 14
Leigh (Stealth): 22 = 1d20 [5] + 17

With Father dead and his immediate cult sacrificed in his failed attempt to bring Lolth over. The shadow cat despite his burning curse continues to hunt down and destroy the last of the cult. Gathering all the information he can get as well as questioning his daughter Aluxa on what things need to be done to finish closing the planar door in Lolth's face as rudely as possible.

Leigh (Diplomacy): 21 = 1d20 [13] + 12 - 4 custom modifiergathering information, Burning curse penalty added.
Leigh (Knowledge (Local)): 17 = 1d20 [8] + 13 - 4 custom modifierBurning curse penalty added.
Leigh (Knowledge (Planes)): 34 = 1d20 [15] + 23 - 4 custom modifierBurning curse penalty added.
Leigh (Perception): 21 = 1d20 [11] + 14 - 4 custom modifierBurning curse penalty added.
Leigh (Stealth): 17 = 1d20 [3] + 18 - 4 custom modifierBurning curse penalty added.

Laleh helped as best she could. She knew that Leigh was hurt, but that he wasn't going to stop - and she didn't try to stop him. Instead, she used her talents to provide him encouragement and strengthen his information and strategy.

She wouldn't fully accompany him on the hunts he took to - not unless he asked - but she would aid him in whatever ways she could, including giving him bouts of inspiration when he let the shadows take him before leaving, and using the information he gained to help him close the gaps and locate his quarry.

(( Using Rolls to Aid Leigh in his investigations. ))

Laleh Elaheh (Knowledge (Local)): 25 = 1d20 [14] + 11 DC 10 Aid Another
Laleh Elaheh (Knowledge (Planes)): 18 = 1d20 [10] + 8 DC 10 Aid Another
Laleh Elaheh (Diplomacy): 25 = 1d20 [6] + 19 DC 10 Aid Another

Raziel also hunts down the remaining members of the cult, and while he kills those he comes across as painfully as possible and leaves the bodies on display to be found. He also defaces every holy symbol of Lolth he comes across and while he kills each cult member he openly threatens Lolth, telling her that he is coming for her and making sure Retribution is clearly seen before he ends each life. His goal is to keep Lolth pissed off at and completely focused on him while the others seek the knowledge needed to prepare for the final battle.

With Father gone and the cultists dwindled away to just as much ash, Leigh switched gears and would spend time talking with his daughter on the serious matters of what she needed to close the door on Lolth. Then with that new shopping list to hunt, he began it in earnest. The time was closing in, and things needed to get done.

Leigh (Diplomacy): 10 = 1d20 [2] + 12 - 4 custom modifierGathering Information while suffering from the burning curse.
Leigh (Stealth): 20 = 1d20 [6] + 18 - 4 custom modifierHiding his movements from others that may be watching. suffering from the burning curse.
Leigh (Knowledge (Local)): 17 = 1d20 [8] + 13 - 4 custom modifiersuffering from the burning curse.

The time was getting closer to the end of the line and Leigh was still out hunting the items needed by his daughter to shut the door in Lolths face.

Leigh (Diplomacy): 26 = 1d20 [18] + 12 - 4 custom modifier-4 from burning curse, Diplomacy for gathering information.
Leigh (Knowledge (Local)): 27 = 1d20 [18] + 13 - 4 custom modifier-4 from burning curse.
Leigh (Stealth): 33 = 1d20 [19] + 18 - 4 custom modifier-4 from burning curse, to see how well he hides his searches from any enemy that may be left.

Laleh, despite everything else, would focus any attention Leigh needed on this effort, continuing to aid him in gathering information and deciphering the clues he had towards the end goal. She would see this effort through to the end with Leigh and Aluxa, to do her best in avoiding the cost ever being too high.

Laleh Elaheh (Diplomacy): 29 = 1d20 [10] + 19 DC 10 Aid Another
Laleh Elaheh (Knowledge (Local)): 30 = 1d20 [19] + 11 DC 10 Aid Another