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The Feast of Bendidia!

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There were signs out for where people could gather up for the walk. Clean white wraps for clothing, waterskins. Adults and children talking together. Families and singles, children from some orphanages, the air sang with the breezes and the excitement. Finally Baele with his wife and children walked up to the front as did a couple others who had volunteered to help lead walkers and others for riders. People had already been carriged or riden their own horses to meet at the Frosty Mug Tavern so the walking would be manageable. Off the crowds went. Children running all through the adults and along the sides of the throng. Some of Baeles people and again some other volunteers riding along keeping the more adventurous kids from straying to far from the group.

After a few hours and the sun rising steadily people made for the coolness of the trees. Small snacks like honey cakes and fruits being passed along to each other another hour and they were greeted with music that led them to the break in the trees that was the Solstice Clearing. Small and large tents could be seen in the distance along the edges. Foods were being cooked, music was playing and the kids streamed ahead. There were homemade playthings for them to gather about and start playing. Those who had rode ahead were watering and resting their horses. Greeting the newcomers along with those cooking. The sunlight that filtered through shown brightly in the glade, and rays split by trees in the woods around. The trees rustled in the breeze speaking together and adding to the excitement. There was plenty of places for people to sit and rest. Bowls of water so cleanse themselves. There were signs up for where the races would start and a map of the courses for riders and runners alike.

*Alula had joined the festivities, making a kind donation of a douzen fat rats for food - which had been kindly accepted and quickly disposed of once she was out of reach.

Cleansing herself with the water came natural to the girl, who was used to washing herself in that matter, though the white wraps were a bit of a struggle for her. She managed to get herself looking decent though, placing the furs, tanned skins and leather - as well as the feathers she had woven into her hair - at the base of a tree, neatly folded and gathered up.

Soon she found herself sitting on a large rock, combing her fingers through her hair to get it straightened out after registering for one of the foot races*

*Fidessa too had shown up, well before sunrise even - once she had heard there was a race, there was no stopping her, and she was quite excited, signing up for all the races she could run in, even if she didn't quite make the age bracket.

Signing up was a bit of a misnomer though, as the girl didn't really write, but she excitedly told the person taking registrations that she was Fidessa and she'd like her winnings to be paid out in apples.*

This had amused Rani no end who then arranged with the officials for her to take Fidessa's winnings and use them to buy apples for Fidessa.

Another matter must have been worrying her though but it didn't stop her putting on a spectacular show just before sunset.

Signing up for races was easy and there were more made as more people wanted to take part. As more and more food was finished over the fires or at the tables they were passed out. None of it was for sale it was just there for people to enjoy. The music sped up the closer the races came. More eipic and exciting to help urge people on. The dancing of course joining in and children were soon hand in hand swinging around at nearly a run in circles big and small.

The races started. The mounts starting and racing so that they never crossed the runners. A far wider arc. Different mounts were in play thanks to druids and rangers being there to take part. Some exotic like Reigndeer that was the size of a dire elk, Giant cats and wolves, with the horses. Nothing flying though. A couple druids were even standing those lines changing into different shapes. Apparently one of them had seen a dinosaur before. And then their friends climbed onto the backs. All the racers got on their lines and all were tense waiting for the start. Muscles flexed, breathing deep and then a loud explosion signaled the start. Smoke flowed up at each of the start lines and they were off to the cheers of the crowd, the music and howls from some of the racers.

Some of the druids sat next to pools of clear water. A fingers in the pool and their eyes clouded. But people found that if they looked into the pools they could see the racers going from different points of view as if being watched thru the eyes of creatures of the forest. So family could continue to watch and cheer on their racers. The music and feasting continued. There was a lot of laughter, singing, and conversations. Baele hoped his niece was enjoying herself and making friends. There was a lot of sunshine but also a lot of shaded glen as well that she could be in.