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Evil in the Air

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After a group of well doers made the quick destruction of some two dozen orcs that had been chasing a wagon of travelers the group heard that there had been more orcs with the ones that had been slain or run off but no numbers.

As if that wasn't enough the sky darkened and he heard from a noble woman, and a wizardly aventi woman that there were troubles. He was able to feel a slight hidden evil filling the air about them and as he rode to make his report to first the Cult of Theris and then the church itself. Supporting Lady Sarantha's plea to bring in the last of the refugees as soon as possible.

Melody goes to inform the Tower but, since she's a relative newbie and an exchange student, she gets the impression she is being fobbed off with the response of 'Thank you for your report Apprentice Melody. We will look into this'. Feeling a bit discouraged, she does tell Ambassador Aquana at the Embassy before retiring to her room in one of the Embassy Apartments for the night.

Someone does take an interest though, Arch-Mage Kadrai does his own investigations and confirms there is something odd going on although he is not sure what. He sends Sendings to Arch-Mage Bianca (Windermere Tower) and Arch-Mage Capella (Pearl Tower). More messages are passed back and forth between Phil and Spica resulting in Melody being moved from the Aquatic Embassy to Kadrai Keep 'for her safety' she is told. "You are protecting my daughter" Phil Sends to Spica, "It is logical that, with your permission, I protect yours while she is here. She should stay under my wards". (( 25 words exactly ))