Jahana looks ... a little confused. "I mean, yes ... but no... but yes ... but ..."
She stammers a touch, then chuckles. "Right cathedral. Wrong sermon. Yes, it's about Harmony. But no, it's not about your impending nuptials. Though I do wish you all the best and blessings. If you don't want her family to be responsible for entertainment, I could always help out at the reception. Just a thought."
Her words are fast and a bit distracted. She's got more on her mind that the girl's love life or lack there of. "The reason I asked to speak with you is because I want to get clarity about something you said. You were very excited about telling Harmony and her family how I over-powered the Sirens on the Kraken's ship that night we were attacked. I need to understand why you would do that after I explicitly ask that you don't and was very clear in my reason why."
She stands, trying very hard not to have her whole body betray her by projecting her emotions in face, voice, or stance. There's a lot riding on this conversation and, to Jahana's mind, Selene's final decision. Whether Jahana is right or not is another matter. But what she feels right now is scared.