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Changing Moon

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Jahana seeks out Selene. She must speak with the her before Selene goes to find Harmony. Jahana meant what she said ... The Sirens can never find out what Jahana did to stop them. It meant her life if they did.

Rumor has it that she can be found at the Great Library. So that's where Jahana hits first.


Jahana calls out through the library, upsetting the patrons not just a little.

"Selene Kadrai?"

Selene is down in the stacks and hurries back up to the main room when called.

"And how can I help you Jahana"

Jahana smiles gently at the retiring girl.

"I wanted a moment to speak with you," she says softly, "if you have it, about what you mentioned on the boat ... provided I'm not too late"

She is speaking, of course, about hoping that Selene hasn't spoken to Harmony about how Jahana out-sang the Sirens to save their lives. Certain notoriety is one thing. This, however, she can do without.

"Perhaps we can speak more candidly elsewhere?", she says, looking around.

"I know a quiet place. Come with me"

She leads Jahana deeper into the library, into the 'Restricted' section.

"Although, if this is to do with Harmony, I have not given her my answer yet." she says sadly. "But I should do it soon"

Jahana looks ... a little confused. "I mean, yes ... but no... but yes ... but ..."

She stammers a touch, then chuckles. "Right cathedral. Wrong sermon. Yes, it's about Harmony. But no, it's not about your impending nuptials. Though I do wish you all the best and blessings. If you don't want her family to be responsible for entertainment, I could always help out at the reception. Just a thought."

Her words are fast and a bit distracted. She's got more on her mind that the girl's love life or lack there of. "The reason I asked to speak with you is because I want to get clarity about something you said. You were very excited about telling Harmony and her family how I over-powered the Sirens on the Kraken's ship that night we were attacked. I need to understand why you would do that after I explicitly ask that you don't and was very clear in my reason why."

She stands, trying very hard not to have her whole body betray her by projecting her emotions in face, voice, or stance. There's a lot riding on this conversation and, to Jahana's mind, Selene's final decision. Whether Jahana is right or not is another matter. But what she feels right now is scared.

"I will not name you, if that is what you are concerned about." Selene replied. "My only intent is to report the incident to ArchMagus Spica and her wife, Vydia, so appropriate action can be taken against those sirens, That sort of behaviour has to be dealt with. Not only is it illegal, it is downright dangerous to the reputation of all merfolk."

She thinks for a bit. "Although, would you like to meet Harmony? I could take you to Sanctuary when I go back there if you like."

"And thank you for your offer on entertainment. I will keep that under advisement"

Jahana blows air slowly out of her nose. "If you must say anything, and it appears you must, then, if you please, could you tell them that a Kraken ship was attacked and everyone, including the ones that did the deed, got away unscathed. There is no reason to tell them how it happened - just that it happened. Okay? For me? Please?"

Her eyes say more than her words convey, for once. She's used to using all her tools to their greatest effect, so she can only hope that she can convince this person that discretion is the better part of valor.

"That was all I was planning to do, really" Selene looks a bit confused.

"Is this to do with the ... erm ... rather poor relationships between merfolk and aventi in the past? Because I assure you, the Capellas are nothing like that."

Relief floods Jahana. That she is able to control the narrative about her exploits, she's fine with whatever gets back to them.

"I thank you for that more than you can ever know. It has nothing to do with any poor relationship, other than the one with my family. I'm trying to 'play nice', as it were, so that my family stays out of my business. Word of this gets out and that's the end of playing at all. And I have my reasons for wanting to stay."

Thoughts of her own bring her attention back to the matter that keeps coming up. "Tell me of your own lady love"

Selene brightens up

"Oh. Harmony? She's a Siren. Well .. that's what merfolk call their bards. And she's a good one. You sort of remind me a bit of her in a way. But yes, she was my best friend when I became an exchange student at the Pearl Tower. And ... well ... one thing led to another and .. let's just say she makes me happier than I've ever been. Long blonde hair and a lighter purple tail than her mother - who is also a Siren by the way. I SO want to marry her it's just, well. I'm not sure what I'm going to do after that, where we're going to live, and all that stuff. She can walk on land if she wants to, but she has problems with gravity and gets tired easy so I usually push her around in a wheelchair. And I have to keep casting waterbreathings so it could get .... awkward. I really need to sit down with her and talk all this lot out. Plus I should look after Papa."

Jahana smiles as she listens to the enchanting prattle of a woman in love and thinks to herself, *I know what you mean*

"You both seem to have chosen a challenging road," she says compassionately. "It is the very epitome of the old phrase, "A bird may love a fish, but where will they build a home. Is there not some spell or prayer that would make it possible for either or both of you to move freely and easily between the worlds?"