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Nari would like to pay 640gp for a small home outside of town.

A small tan home with a thatched roof. A happily babbling brook running close by. A good sized copse of trees mostly obscuring it. The grass and brush are allowed to grow wild except for the path he strides to go in and out. There is also a cleared section in front of his home that has a large fire pit dug and protected by stones to keep control of the fires, and a large Cauldron that he uses to boil what ever it is he wishes to boil at the time. The area is also just large enough to accomadate a few people dancing wildly and free on celebrations.

Inside it is clean but rustic. A lot of well taken care of wooden furniture and comfy chairs. A partial loft over the door for the sleeping area. With a well appointed and comfy bed taking up most of that space. It smells of sage, lavender, and vanilla mostly. But more thurough cleaning days there is the scent of lemons, mint, and honey.

This has been done: Witchy Home - you should add a picture.

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