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Selis Buys things for her new Slave

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Selis, who is probably the nicest slave owner in Duirt, purchases the following for her pet orc.

MW Leatherworking Tools 50 GP

x7 Peasant's Outfits for .7 GP

x1 Artisan's Outfit 1 GP

1 Cart 15 GP

1 Donkey 8 GP

1 Vendor Booth 10 GP

MW Heavy Crossbow 350 GP (To hunt animals with, and harvest their hide, as well as self defense).

Bolts 2 GP

Long Spear 5 GP

Dagger 2 GP.

Leather Armor 10 GP.

Notarized, official Copy of Selis' Ownership papers 10 GP.

To be kept on her AT ALL TIMES, because as a full blooded orc, she can be targeted and hurt unless people know she is protected. Selis makes sure she knows this.

Selis also sits her down, and says everything she has bought for her, is hers from now on. That she is welcome to hunt game on the estate grounds, to eat for herself, and to harvest their skins, so long as she does not target livestock or animals belonging to Selis and Norret, or their servants, or guests. Until she and Selis can have a less one sided conversation, and come to a more serious understanding, she will stay in the cellar/basement of the estate, and sleep on some blankets and hay there, under guard by Vritra.

Selis also tells her that once her tongue is healed (which should be soon), she will be allowed to go to the city on market day, and sell whatever she makes, and keep 50% of all she earns for herself. The rest will go to Selis, in exchange for her generous patronage and protection.

Selis will also, because she adores using the stick as well as the carrot, provide a thorough demonstration of her arcane power, and make it clear that her generosity should never be misinterpreted for weakness, and that if the orc girl betrays her, she will die in agony.

However, if she remains loyal .. . Selis offers her power, and eventual revenge against those who have wronged her.


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