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Seeking the Knowledge.

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In search of Charlette - March 3, 2022


Selene Kadrai EXP Gold: 500.

Alicia Ferency EXP Gold 500

Dominique Tenderfoot EXP Gold 500

Ai'Thorn Hura EXP Gold 500

Summary: The party received a letter from an unknown person delivered by a child to bring the Tome to a ship named: The Slippery Tongue. Heading to the Western Docks the party found the ship in question and only noticed a small crew on board with a magical aura coming from it's hold. The Lady Alicia Ferency with the aid of Selene Kadrai walked up the gang plank of the ship to weave an incredible Lie to distract and hoodwink the Captain & Crew. The Lie was successful in distracting and misplacing more than half of the crew into menial tasks for the Noble Lady. Ai' & Dominique was able to locate and destroy a partially constructed Gate preventing a permanent rift to be formed in Duirt. The heroes left successfully leaving the poor Captain rethinking his life choices.

Reward to go to Milo Frost.

(( Forgot to collect levels from the players. ))