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I'm not dead, but...

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Good news: I'm not dead.

However, my desire to participate in chat-based games has come to a crashing halt.

The end of my desire to play in a chat game started with FRO. The GM team was expecting their players to be on there daily. At the time, I was still working at Burger King, and my depression was hitting me hard with that job, so being expected to do something that was supposed to be fun straight up killed the fun.

What does that have to do with this site? Well a few years ago, I had been told that someone on here made a facsimile of my old Dol-Terias character without asking me, and I am still quite angry about that.

So we fast forward to today. I work a full-time, third-shift job. I also run TWO YouTube channels, as well as a tabletop game over Discord. On top of that, I haven't even owned a computer in nearly five years, and running a chat client on a cellphone is a nightmare.

That all being said, I do not see myself coming back to NU, at least not anytime soon. If you want to keep in touch, @DXKramer is my Twitter and @dxkramer1981 is my Instagram. I'll happily talk to you all there.

Until we meet again, take care. Peace.

Lucky I stay in touch with you.