Table of Contents
Alicia was born as the youngest child of three in a poor, dysfunctional family in a slum in the capital of An Teng. Alicia's father was abusive during her childhood and her mother too weak to resist him. Both parents are still alive, but she doesn't have any contact with them anymore. She left home when she was 13, just after her brother Huang did. After that, Alicia has been in contact with the police on numerous occasions for gang-related activities. If someone would look into her background really well, one could find accusations of her having ties with the Tengese Triads.
She was picked up by a local police detective, Dan Lee who has given her an opportunity to leave the slums and work for a security company, McConnall Specialties. The exact reason why he has done so remains a mystery.
- Sun Jia Mei: Alicia's mother. Even though Alicia knows she can not blame her for what happened, she still is disgusted by her weakness.
- Sun Da Zhi: Alicia's father. Abusive alcoholic. Alicia hates him.
- Sun Shi Ji: Alicia's older sister by one year is probably living in the slums. Alicia had never had much in common with her.
- Sun Shi Huang: Alicia's older brother by five years ran away 'to have a better future' when Alicia was twelve years old. He inspired Alicia to leave home as well. He is somewhat of an idol to her even though they haven't been in contact ever since Huang left. Huang was the only one who ever stood up to their abusive father.
Other relations
- Dan Lee: The detective who gave Alicia a second chance in life. He inspired her to make something of her life. Even now, Alicia still doesn't know why he did what he did.
- Pearl: Alicia's Abyssal Exalt 'Solar Mate'. They are currently in a relationship
(( Spoilers ))
After going 'legit', part of the gang Alicia was in turned on her, trying to finish her off. It was her abusive boyfriend who was going to deal the final blow. Instead: exaltation! Long story short: asses got kicked, the boyfriend got killed and his heart's blood got eaten. The only reason she got away is because of her ability to change into him.