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Recent activity in Meruvian Dream

created a wiki page
create wiki page fame background
created a wiki page
create wiki page todo
edited a wiki page
edit wiki page Start
created a wiki page
create wiki page Start
joined the campaign
edit campaign configuration
remove Invite
joined the campaign
edit campaign configuration
remove Invite
joined the campaign
edit campaign configuration
remove Invite
joined the campaign
edit campaign configuration
remove Invite
updated the campaign's front page
edit campaign configuration
updated the campaign's profile
edit campaign configuration
updated the campaign's profile
edit campaign configuration
updated the campaign's profile
edit campaign configuration
initialized the campaign
create schema Item
initialized the campaign
create schema Faction
initialized the campaign
create schema Location
initialized the campaign
create schema Person
initialized the campaign
create namespace Notes
initialized the campaign
create namespace Rules
initialized the campaign
create namespace Setting
initialized the campaign
create Wiki index: Create Wiki index
create Forum index: Create Forum index
create Invites index: Create Invites Index
create Schema index: Create Schema Index
create Tag index: Create Tag Index
create Announcements index: Create Announcements Index
create Chat: Create Chat Index
initialized the campaign
create campaign configuration