Welcome to the Marvel Multiverse RPG, To play here you must be 18+ years old and obey the rules of RPG Pad, and this chat.
1. There is to be no slander or shaming of anyone - treat everyone with respect and professionalism when possible.
2. Follow the guidance of Narrators and experienced players, everyone is here to help and have fun.
3. Be productive and proactive with your own story, but don't override the metaplot of the game, or anyone elses story.
4. When all else fails, follow the "Rule of Cool" so long as it doesn't break the story or game.
PVP - Rulings
Yes, PVP is allowed and encouraged in game, so long as all parties involved are agreeable OOC. Should there be a conflict ICly, and PVP Is becoming a possibility, then there are a few rules that must be followed:
1 - There is to be no death without a Narrator present.
2 - If the situation is getting heated oocly, then either put the scene on hold until a narrator can moderate, or find a way to mutual end the conflict and refresh the scene or move to a different location.
3 - If someone doesn't wish to PVP, then they do not have to participate. However, that is not an invitation to start problems without consequence. If you instigate hardships, and do not want to PVP, you are to have your PC flee from the scene without action. That means you don't get to pull a cheapshot and run, you flee in fear of being hurt by the person you are instigating. This also opens up rumors and RP posts about how you behaved, There is no action without consequence.
4 - All PVP Should be in good fun and enjoyment, these rules are to protect against bullying. They should never feel like a punishment.