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Wendele, Wendele Selu Helevorn Sedis
Old version of Svala

Teenage girl with cat ears at the start of her adventuring career

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Svala appears to be a perky teenager at the start of her adventuring career. She stands well over a foot taller than her old form, but she remains below average in height. The girl is slender with a natural hourglass body shape despite her still developing small chest, as she seems to be slightly malnourished. She has slender fingers with long nails that seem to naturally shape into sharp points which could easily scratch your eyes out. The subtle outlines of muscles in her arms though result entirely from a lack of fat tissue rather than physical capability or brawn, and while she may still be owed a final growth spurt to put her more on par with her peers, the odds of that happening seem to be dwindling every day.

The girl has soft, smooth and pale skin that lacks any freckles or marks, and when she smiles, a set of pearly white teeth can be seen under her small nose which is seemingly adjusted for colder, dryer conditions. She has slightly extended canine teeth a little over half a centimeter longer than her incisors, and though notable, they stay well with the Aran norms, and aren’t particularly sharp.

She looks at you with huge, emerald green doe eyes that seem to take in the world as if every single detail is new and singularly important. When studied closely, the iris has a slightly darker corneal limbus ring around it, and the green has detailed swirls radiating outwards with hints towards red and indigo when studied up close, though well within both Aran and Elven norms. Her pupils though seem to exhibit some unusual properties, as they become larger than normal in the dark, taking up almost the entire iris, and they can close both into smaller circles as well as vertical slits like a cat’s. Despite the extended range of motion, this doesn’t actually provide her with better vision than normal and in fact she takes slightly longer to adjust to bright light.

Her hair goes down to her bottom, and is a deep matte black, though when the light reflects upon it, hints of the former bright orange that it used to be can be spotted, almost causing one to wonder if it is actually black or whether it was painted that colour in a recalcitrant effort to appear gothic. It is kept in a warrior-like hairstyle with a main thick Dutch braid running from the middle above her forehead to the crown of her head, where it is propped up before dangling down all the way to her tail bone. Along the sides of her head, two narrow feed-in cornrow braids on each flank run above the ears and join in the center where they lift up the main braid and wrap around it, creating some distance between the head and the dangling point of the main braid. The rest of her hair falls down straight from the back of her head with just a slight wave and a dozen or so thin braids mixed into it, forming the base upon which the main braid is rested.

In between the cornrow braids, two large cat ears peek out, too big to hide easily under a hat or scarf. Each has short, mostly black fur on the outside matching her regular hair and a softer dark pink on the inside. The ears are significantly large and move around seemingly of their own accord, perking up whenever she sees something interesting or unexpected and drooping down to the sides when relaxing, wiggling when happy and turning towards sounds seemingly as a reflex even if she seems to be ignoring it otherwise. Besides her cat ears, she also spots a second, more regular pair of ears on the side of her head, running into a light point. It isn’t quite clear which set of ears she uses to hear, or if perhaps both are functional, though at the very least, her regular Elven ears do not move around anywhere near as much.

Overall, Svala gives off the appearance of a girl who has left her home to adventure, against the advise of her parents, perhaps not quite strong enough yet to take on the world entirely on her own, but making a major effort to appear as if she could handle it, and determined to prove that its not just a phase, she really is all she claims to be. Her feline features add the message that though she may be small, she will scratch and bite so even if she may seem weak, those who take advantage may find themselves dealing with a feral animal rather than a helpless maiden.