Differences on New Characters (was Characters)
Player Characters in the Maalum campaign should be created with the following in mind.
==== New Characters ====:
* The only playable race is [[Aran]]. Therefore, all characters start as [[Aran]], except with express permission from the GM.
* Some base classes are marked as restricted. These classes cannot be taken by new characters except with GM permission.
* Ability ratings are purchased as per Core, p.16; with 15 points (Standard Fantasy).
* Hit points for levels beyond the first are determined by 'take half, round up'
==== Additionally, if the character originally hails from Ilfreann:
* They have the "Ilfreann Transfer Characters ====
The characters participating in the initial transfer (Ilfreann PCs and accompanying cohorts) should adhere to the above list" knowledge area for new characters, and start out with a single [[Aran]] racial hit die, until they get their first class level:
* 1d8 (5hp),
* 3/4 bab (+0),
* high fortitude save (+2), low other saves (+0)
* no class skills, "temporary ranks" in heal (1) and survival (1)
* no bonus feat,
* do not have to select favoured classes for Multitalented.
Once they transferred characters have their first class level, they'll be handled as normalall [[knowledge]] skills.