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Differences on Custom Content (was Homebrew Content)

Differences between by and the current version
The single source of truth [[meta rules|meta rule]] does not mean that homebrew content is not allowed! The opposite is true, pPlayers are encouraged to design and propose—or copy "inspiration" from elsewhere, adjust, and propose—their own feats, spells, classes, and magic items. Since the setting strongly diverges from the 'default' Pathfinder setting, feel free to consult with your GM on the availability and setting-appropriateness of concepts. Some guidelines have been written out to assist both when adjusting existing content or designing new things: * [[Alignment Adjustments]] * [[Class Adjustments]] * [[Feat Adjustments]] * [[Spell Adjustments]] Please put your proposals in the [[wiki/Notes]] wiki, and tag them with [[tags/Proposal]] when they are ready to be discussed and approved. ==== Conversion ==== The conversion of spells, feats, classes, and other rule-related things for the Maalum setting will mostly be done in a 'see what players are interested in, and convert that' fashion. Since there is a lot of content that could be ported, the GM will adhere to this 'player driven design' plan so much so that only things the players are interested in are likely to end up on the Rules wiki. This means that some initiative lies with the players to prod the GM with questions and suggestions of things they would like to see available. **Core Rulebook:** Most of the skills and feats from the Core Rulebook can be ported directly, some spells will need adjustments, and most magic items will most likely need some rewriting to fit the campaign. Classes are best used as inspiration, as a choice has been made to use no Core base classes (with the exception of Fighter-like classes). **Occult Adventures:** Most feats and spells can be ported directly, taking into account the adjustment guidelines for spells. All classes (with the exception of Mesmerist) have already been ported. Mesmerist has been explicitly left out, but might offer good inspiration for social classes. **Mythic Adventures:** Most spells, and feats can be ported almost directly. Some might have to be adjusted as per guidelines. Note thaMost mythic abilities can be ported directly, mythic paths and mythic abilities are not yet fully ported, and adjustment guidelines will eventually appearmight require rewriting. ==== Inspiration ==== Note that the unused parts of the [[source books]] (classes, spells, feats, and any mechanic that is not used) can offer great inspiration for the rules-wise implementation homebrew spells, feats, classes, and other custom things. The same holds true for other books. In particular, the following source books are of great use for their class feature alternatives described in archetypes and classes: * Advanced Players Guide * Advanced Class Guide ==== Spoilers ==== Conversion of content and the creation of custom content takes a lot of time and effort. Because the game master does not have enough time to convert everything, players are encouraged to convert the things they are interested in. Normally, we try to keep the rules somewhat spoiler free, but for the purposes of custom content creation and conversion, we use the following spoiler policy (note that this is written from the perspective of a custom class, but the policy is applicable to any kind of custom content): * When discussing custom classes, we will not take into account spoilers. Everything will be discussed openly. If something would spoil a short-term plot point, the game master will suggest waiting N sessions with the custom content; after these N sessions, the spoiler-wall will be lifted regardless of whether the plot point has come to pass. * The game master is happy to discuss at length how they envision the placement of a new class in the setting, and the core essence of said class. By doing so, this might help players determine if they are willing to make the conversion effort. * To assist with conversion and creation of a custom class the game master will, at a player's request, come up with a bullet list consisting of the the theme of the class, and a rough idea of the kinds mechanics they have in mind for the class.