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Differences on Aran

Differences between by and the current version
Aran appearance falls within the human and elven spectrum, with greater ranges on the pigmentation. Their eyes tend to range the spectrum of colors running from amber or violet to emerald green and deep blue. Aran hair colors range from platinum-blonde to matte black, covering the spectrum of natural hair colors, often with an unexpected sheen of colour. The hair colours of children are often more pronounced and colourful, and pull towards more natural colours as they grow up, ending up at their final colour a few years past the start of adulthood. Rare family lines might have slight hints of animalistic or elemental—or even more rare, ((redacted))—features, the strongest bloodlines of which might show outward features such as wolf ears, unexpected pupil shapes, or hair that hints towards an elemental disposition. A unique feature of the race is ((redacted))their high compatibility with an inscription-based framework of magic, which allows enhancements to the body and mind. Each individual is inscribed once they come of age. Arani have gestation period of around 13 months, and a significantly higher chance of dizygotic twins than humans, with triplets also having an increased chance to occur. ==== Aran Racial Traits ==== **+2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, –2 Strength**: Arani are adaptable and sturdy, with a natural inclination to overcome problems with cunning instead of force. **Medium**: Arani are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. **Normal speed**: Arani have a base speed of 30 feet. **Bonus Feat**: Arani select one extra feat at 1st level. ((5**Energy Channels (Su)** Arani can maintain [[Magic Items#energy channels]] to power inscribed items. They start with two energy channel, and can gain more via feats, class features, or personalized inscriptions. **Augmented Immunosystem (Su)**: Arani gain a +2 racial traits redacted))bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases. **Hold Breath (Su)**: Arani can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to four times their Constitution score before risking drowning or suffocating. **Inscribed (Su)**: Arani have a framework of inscriptions running throughout their body, which is the foundation of many of their advantages. Arani can take [[inscription feats]], and can apply [[inscription personalization]]. **Low-Light Vision (Su)**: Arani can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. **Multitalented**: Arani choose two favored classes at 1st level and gain +1 hit points or +1 skill rank whenever they take a level in either of those classes. ((1 racial trait redacted)) **Graceful**: Arani receive a +2 racial bonus on a Perform skill of their choice. **Weakness**Recovery Buffer (Su)**: Arani have a buffer of additional hitpoints that provides additional healing through Natural Healing (Core, p. 191). The recovery buffer can contain a maximum of two hit points per character level. Any additional hitpoints added to Enchantment**: Arani have a -2 racial penalty on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects. **Slow Healing**: Arani have reducedthe recovery buffer beyond the maximum are lost. Whenever natural healing. Arani recover 1 hitpoint per two character levels or part thereof occurs after a full night's rest, you heal an additional number of hitpoints equal to amount of hit points in your recovery buffer. Natural healing empties out the complete recovery buffer, even if hitpoints would be lost when doing so. You can get a feeling for how full your recovery buffer is with a minute of meditation and a DC 15 wisdom check. **Graceful**: Arani receive a +2 racial bonus on a Perform skill of their choice. **Weakness to Enchantment**: Arani have a -2 racial penalty on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects. **Slow Healing**: Arani have reduced natural healing. Arani recover 1 hitpoint per two character levels or part thereof after a full night's rest. After a complete bed rest for an entire day and night, they recover their character level in hit points. **Languages**: Arani begin play speaking and reading the native language of the community they grew up in, and its associated script, at the native fluency stage. ==== Ageing, Height & Weight ==== The following tables are formatted as the age, height and weight tables in the Advanced Race Guide. These tables are presented here to give some additional context on the rough physical appearance of Arani. Players are encouraged to pick realistically correlated values, but are free to pick their own character's height and weight, and age. ---- Random Height & Weight ---- ^^ Race ^^ Base Height ^^ Base Weight ^^ Modifier ^^ Weight Modifier || || Aran, male || 4 ft. 10 in. || 110 lbs. || 2d10 || ×5 lbs. || || Aran, female || 4 ft. 5 in. || 85 lbs. || 2d10 || ×5 lbs. || ---- Random Starting Ages ---- ^^ Race ^^ Adulthood ^^ Intuitive¹ ^^ Self-Taught² ^^ Trained³ || || Aran || 15 years || +1d4 || +1d6 || +2d6 || ¹ This category includes classes that require little training. ² This category includes classes that require some training and are often taught by parents or acquaintances. ³ This category includes classes that require formal study and training.