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Differences on Identify Channels

Differences between by and the current version
**Casting Time** 1 hour **Components** S **Range** Touch **Targets** One touched object **Duration** Instantaneous **Saving Throw** None; **Spell Resistance** No The caster touches the object and studies it closely, feeling the energies inside the object and attempting to get at them using her own magical energies. Over the course of an hour, the caster determines how many channels the item requires and, if applicable, what type of channels are required. Additionally, the caster gains an inkling of the layout and shapes of the item's inscriptions, and may make a Spellcraft to identify the properties of the item with a +5 Competence bonus. This bonus increases to +10 at caster level 5 and +15 at caster level 9. This spell does only functions on inscribed items, and only on those that do not have channels committed to them. The spell fizzles when used on an item that is not an inscribed item.