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Inscription Personalization

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Though standardized as a small library of templates, the inscription framework for each Aran is ultimately adjusted to the idiosyncracies of their body and mind. Many arani will eventually pay to have their inscription template personalized to better match their chosen vocation and personal preferences.

Personalized inscriptions differ from inscription feats because inscription feats are well-known modular adjustments to a character's inscription framework that do not require tailoring the whole inscription framework, while personalization of the framework requires a thorough review and sometimes even revision of the whole inscription template for that individual.

To personalize your character's inscription framework, three things are necessary:

  • Your character will need to find an inscriber willing to work on the revision of your character's inscription framework. Note that not all inscribers are capable of complex personalizations, and that they often require compensation for their time.
  • A variable amount of downtime during which the reinscription can be performed, and the character can adjust to the new framework. Part of this downtime will be spent on the actual reinscription, and some time must be spent waiting for the personalization to be internalized.
  • And finally, your will need to have enough free Inscription Personalization Points to pay for the selected options. A list of available options is given in the section Personalization Options.

Inscription Personalization Points

To balance the different available options, each option is assigned a value in Inscription Personalization Points, or IPPs. To prevent unnecessary bookkeeping, all characters are granted a number of IPP at each level. IPPs are a purely out-of-character resource, only used to provide balance between the different options.

Character Level Granted IPP Total IPP
1 +2 2
2 +1 3
3 +1 4
4 +1 5
5 +2 7
6 +3 10
7 +4 14
8 +5 19
9 +6 25
10 +8 33
11 +10 43
12 +13 56
13 +16 72
14 +23 95
15 +27 122
16 +38 160
17 +47 207
18 +60 267
19 +78 345
20 +97 442

(( Note that the IPP represent about half of the character wealth by level, plus 2000gp starting money. ))

Personalization Options

Unless otherwise noted, personalizations that offer a multiple bonus ratings can be upgraded at a cost of the difference in IPP; any upgradable personalization can also be downgraded, freeing up a the difference in cost. Note that downgrading still requires an inscriber to revise the whole framework.

Players are encouraged to suggest their own personalizations, but note should be taken that most effects are better introduced via (( redacted ))---inscription personalizations are reserved for comprehensive adjustments to a character's body and physical capabilities. Consult with your GM for clarifications or judgement calls.

Comprehensive Resistance Trace

Comprehensive resistance traces are integrated throughout the inscription matrix to improve burst reflexes, magically reinforce physical conditioning, and fortify the awareness feedback loop.

This personalization offers magic protection in the form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws.

Cost: 1 ipp (+1), 4 ipp (+2), 9 ipp (+3), 16 ipp (+4), 25 ipp (+5).

Reactive Repulsion Barrier

The reactive repulsion barrier is a network of modules integrated in statistically optimal locations, allowing the autonomous generation of deflective force on both a physical and magical level.

This personalization offers continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 to +5 to AC.

Cost: 2 ipp (+1), 8 ipp (+2), 18 ipp (+3), 32 ipp (+4), 50 ipp (+5).

Physiologic Enhancement Suite

A comprehensive suite of adjustments to the inscription framework allows for denser muscle tissue, finer muscle control, strengthened joints, adjustments to skeletal density, and a of further physical adjustments.

This personalization offers an enhancement bonus of +2, +4, or +6 to any of the physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), subject to the constraint that the difference between abilities is not more than +2 (counting omitted abilities as +0).

Example valid configurations are:

  • +2 Strength
  • +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution
  • +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +6 Constitution

Cost: 4 ipp (+2), 16 ipp (+4), 36 ipp (+6) for the ability with the highest bonus, 1.5 times the cost for the other abilities.

Cognitive Enhancement Suite

A comprehensive suite of adjustments to the inscription framework that allow for increased cognition, sped up analytic thought, a strengthening of the awareness feedback loop, and an increase in introspective capacity.

This personalization offers an enhancement bonus of +2, +4, or +6 to any of the mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma), subject to the constraint that the difference between abilities is not more than +2 (counting omitted abilities as +0).

Note that if a bonus to Intelligence is selected, this might cause you to gain skill points and other bonuses. These bonuses should be noted separately in case you ever downgrade this inscription personalization. Note that the increase in intelligence is magical, but the provided skill points (and other benefits) are not---please attempt to keep increases and progression of said points somewhat organic.

Example valid configurations are:

  • +2 Charisma
  • +2 Intelligent, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma
  • +6 Intelligent, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma

Cost: 4 ipp (+2), 16 ipp (+4), 36 ipp (+6) for the ability with the highest bonus, 1.5 times the cost for the other abilities.