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Spell Design

Spell Adjustments
Old version of Spell Design

All spells should be adjusted for the Maalum setting as per the following guidelines. As these are guidelines, and not a adjustment algorithm, some spells might bring two or more of the given guidelines into conflict. When in doubt how a spell should be adjusted, confer with your GM.

(( Note that some guidelines leave out details of an adjustment to prevent spoilers on certain aspects of the setting. The necessary information should become known to the PCs before such spells are learned---if not, the fact that they are learning such spells will be a good moment to discover the information. ))

No material components No spell has a Material component, unless said component has a non-neglible cost, that is, the material component is dropped unless it has a listed cost in the spell description. Spells never need a Focus or Divine Focus, and any spell with the such a components no longer requires this component. All classes that get Eschew Materials as a bonus feat receive Silent Spell instead.

No extradimensionality Remove all spells operating on extradimensionality (Rope Trick, Mage's Mansion, etc.)

No Astral Plane All spells using astral travel or that interact with the astral plane, such as Teleport, Blink, Plane Shift, or Gate are not available. Spells that pull things from the Astral Plane are not available, though summoning spells have a replacement.

No Outer Planes There are no outer planes, and as such all spells that use, traverse, or pull things from the outer planes (such as Planar Ally) are not available. Certain groups of spells have replacements mentioned elsewhere in these guidelines. Divination spells based on contact with entities on the outer planes will have their text adjusted to match the new planar cosmology.

No Creation, No Crafting There are no magic effects that create objects or craft objects. Items cannot be conjured, nor are spells that take raw materials and fabricate items from the available.

Existing Ethereal plane Spells using or interacting with the Ethereal plane do exist. Their usage however will have some currently unspecified side-effects.

Divination Sources while there are extra-planar entities that can be contacted, Divination spells that produce information (such as Legend Lore, Locate Object, etc.) are based on a different mechanism.

Dropped Spells There are certain spells, families of spells, and themes of spells that are dropped completely: Permanence, lie-detection, crafting spells (that is Spells that speed up, enhance, or perform the labour of crafting objects).

Summons As there are no outer planes to pull creatures from, the spells Summon Monster, Summon Nature's Ally, and other summoning spells are replaced by spells based on a different mechanism that still produce "summoned" creatures.

Healing and Resurrection Resurrections and coming back from the dead via spells (after some time of being dead) is not possible. Immediate healing, such as Cure spells, are at least two spell levels higher than their counterpart in Core.

Alignment Removal All alignment-related spells need to be rewritten with their alignment component removed. Some spells' complete purpose is interaction with alignment, such spells are not available.