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Differences on Arabella

Differences between by and the current version
Arabella, sometimes referred to by [[setting/Svala]] as Silvana, is a [[setting/Thilfari]] originally bred in [[setting/Arkaudon]] ==== Stats ==== // Regular light horse from the Bestiary // **Thilfari** N Large Animal **Init** +2; **Senses** Low-light vision, scent, Perception +6 ''Defenses'' **AC** 11, touch 11, flat-footed 9 (+2 Dex, -1 size) **hp** 15 (2d8+6) **Fort** +6, **Ref** +5, **Will** +1 ''Offense'' **Speed** 50 ft **Melee** 2 hooves -2 (1d4+1) **Space** 10 ft.; **Reach** 5 ft. ''Statistics'' **Str** 16, **Dex** 14, **Con** 17, **Int** 2, **Wis** 13, **Cha** 7 **Base Attack** +1; **CMB** +5; **CMD** 17 (21 vs. trip) **Feats** Endurance, Run **Skills** Perception +6 **SQ** docile ''Special Abilities'' **Docile** Unless specifically trained for combat (see the Handle Animal skill), a thilfari’s hooves are treated as secondary attacks.