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Differences on Reveal Water (was Draw Water)

Differences between by and the current version
**Casting Time** 1 standard action **Components** V, S **Range** close (25medium (100 ft. + 510 ft. / 2 levelslevel) **Effect** up to 2 gallonslocation of water/levelnearby water **Duration** instantaneous **Saving Throw** none; Spell Resistance** no** This spell reveals wholesome, drinkto you (and only you) an energy trail to the nearest potable water, just like a puddle of clean rain water. The, a small pond, a well or even a nearby river. This spell can also be used to determine whether water may be hidden in a container or fallen tree,from a certain source is safe to drink, as it might bubble up aspoints to the caster pokes aroundnearest potable water, not the ground or nearby rocks, allowingnearest water source, though it to be easily collected. //Note//: Conjuration spells can't create substances or objects within a creature. Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon. One cubic foot of water contains roughly 8 gallons and weighs about 60 poundsdoes not reveal magical contamination if any.