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Coif Chameleon

Old version of Coif Chameleon

Change hair colour within the natural range with a one hour casting time

School: Transmutation
Level: Witch 0

Casting Time 1 hour

Components V, S, M (Various soaps & water, see below)

Range Touch

Target willing non-bald humanoid creature touched

Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

By taking one hour washing the hair of the target with soaps and water, you can change their hair colour to a different one.

The colour designated must be one that is natural to the species of the creature. For example, you can turn a blonde human woman into a redhead, but you cannot make their hair turn green unless there are green-haired humans in the setting. For Aran, this leaves a relatively wide array of colour options.

Additionally, if you add 100 dk worth of correctly coloured dye to the mixture of soap and water, you can also change the targets natural hair colour, causing their future hair to grow in the new colour instead of the old colour growing out over time.