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Magic Items

Old version of Magic Items

Magic items do not function without some source of power—whether this is due to being inscribed and powered by a mage, by being bound to one's soul, or drawing power from a city grid does not matter.

Magic items are not a matter of 'making a spell permanent'. Depending on the method of creation, they are either created by specialized crafters, or constructed via merging of materials and other items.

The magic item crafting rules from Core (including item creation feats) are replaced by new item creation rules (and necessary feats and skills) specific to the Maalum campaign.

Consumables, such as potions, scrolls, wands, and staves are unavailable. Holy water and Unholy water do not exist. However, alchemical items, and consumable items supported by class features are available.

Inscribed Items

Inscribed items are magic items that only function when powered by when the receive channeled energy, either from a character, or from a city grid or other source of energy.

Each inscribed item lists the number of energy channels it requires to function. Many items also list an aspect affinity, if a character has channels with that affinity, the channel cost to activate the item is reduced as noted with the item's aspect affinity. Some items require aspect affinity channels to function. Aspect affinities can be gained via class features or feats.

Energy channels used to power an inscribed item are 'committed' in the sense that they cannot be be used for anything else while they are used to power the item. An energy channel is assigned until reinscription, starting from the moment the character commits the channels. Committing one or more energy channels to an item requires a minute of concentration while you to touch the item.

Without specific training or specifically designed items it is not possible to decommit channels early. However, if the character perishes or is unconscious (not asleep) for longer than 2 hours, all their committed energy channels are forcibly decommitted. This will immediately, and sometimes violently, deactivate any powered items. Energy channels that are decommitted in this way are unavailable until reinscription.

Note that these 'energy channels' are different from the 'channel energy' class ability. Channel Energy is not a default class feature of cleric-like classes. Characters can gain access to energy channels via feats and class features.