Open questions to players:
Spoilers: How to handle setting spoilers, reveals, and wiki updates?
Especially since I want to make it possible for players to propose their own feats, spells, classes, and magic items!
Character Advancement: How fast do we want characters to advance?
We have roughly three tracks of advancement: leveling up in the traditional way through gaining class levels, improving your gear and equipment, and (eventually) mythic path progression. We can stagger these different tracks---for example, improving gear and equipment can be done out of sync with leveling up, and mythic path progression can also be done in a level-independent manner.
Do we want to care about experience? Given the crack-smoking-monkeys table, this might not really help is in a significant manner (except allowing players that miss out on a few sessions to catch up eventually)
Based on the answers here, the GM will need to update some tables (currently 'starting at level 5 and every 2 thereafter', might need to become starting at 'level 3 and every 2 thereafter' if we go for slow advancement, just to make sure that we get to 'the full thing')