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Manifest Light

Old version of Manifest Light

Object shines like a torch.

School: Evocation
Descriptors: Light
Level: Psychic 0
Base Spell: Light

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V

Range touch

Target object touched

Duration 10 min. / level

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell causes you to manifest an orb of your own energy in your hand, which glows like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius, and increasing the light level for an additional 20 feet by one step, up to normal light (darkness becomes dim light, and dim light becomes normal light). In an area of normal or bright light, this spell provides no beneficial illumination. You can play with the orb, but if it goes more than three feet away from you, it snuffs out.

You can only have one manifest light spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. Manifest Light can be used to counter or dispel any darkness spell of equal or lower spell level.