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Old version of Sparkles

Make a minor light effect around your person

Level: Witch 0

Casting Time 1 swift action

Components S

Range personal

Effect visual figment that cannot extend beyond 5 feet from your location

Duration 1 rnd./level (D)

Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with); Spell Resistance no

This spell radiates your magical energy out from your body, creating minor visual light effects surrounding your person, be it sparkles coming off you as you move, your eyes glowing, a halo glow behind your head, a colourful aurora swirling around you, your shadow taking on a different shape than you and so on, at your discretion.

The light effect is insufficient to illuminate the area around you and it does not create sound, smell, texture or temperature and cannot create illusionary objects, only light effects.

The light effects have no inherent power in and of itself, but at the discretion of the storyteller might give a small bonus on Intimidation, Perform or Disguise check on those easily impressed by colourful displays.

While the effect is ongoing, you suffer a -2 penalty on Stealth checks.