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These are sample characteristics that a little miko can have.

  • Appearing innocent: You are very good act acting and appearing innocent of whatever mischief just occurred.
  • Grown up: You are very grown up, and adults will take you seriously when you explain things to them.
  • Hide and Seek: You are very good at playing hide and seek. You can find the best hiding places, and find others quickly.
  • Tree Climbing: You are very good at climbing into trees, and possibly other things as well.
  • Happy Dance: You are very good at dances, often cheering up others around you with a happy dance.
  • The Supremest Master of Caligraphy: You are very good at writing, and know how to read and write difficult characters as well as prayer strips.
  • Candy Trader: You are very good at trading things, and with some time you can trade a single candy into a large jar of cookies.
  • Garden Assistant: You are very good at gardening, tending to plants, and finding pretty flowers. Also making things from flowers.
  • Not Getting Dirty: You are very good at keeping your clothing and things clean, even while crawling through grass and mud.
  • Always Hungry: You are often hungry, but you are also very good at finding food and knowing what you can eat. You often have some food or candy with you.
  • Plays Flute: You are very good at playing a flute, and can make up tunes on the fly.
  • (???: Feel free to suggest custom specialisations)