Table of Contents
Hattori grew up in the capital of the Heisei Empire. Hattori was schooled and grew under the Koga guild of assassins. Under their gaze he memorized the code as well as how to live by its ideals and took them to heart. Under a rigid schooling system the Koga taught him martial skills but also giving classes on high culture and art. It was during this training that Hattori found a natural elven affinity for magic develop. This caused a rescheduling of his classes, skimping on some of the aforementioned culture classes and spending many hours on the development of useful magic to assist in his trade of choice. It was after many years of competitive examination that Hattori graduated the academy with flying colours and started completing formal contracts.
Hattori Shunsin attained gestalthood, bestowed upon him by the god Mortaebius after a series of missions that involved more than a few crumpled kimono's. After such a time with the Koga guild, Hattori began to form his own vision upon the principles underlying the code, and the way the masters viewed the code. A dispute that grew over many years, the conflict came to a head when Hattori was tasked with inhuming an older noble woman, this act by itself is standard business. However the contract specified that for a greater sum of money than is usual, the noble woman, as well as several bystanders, be killed in public by clothing matching a rival clan to the noble. Hattori refused to perform such a public inhumation, but was only reminded that disobedience comes with severe consequences.
Rather than face consequences for disobeying such a inappropriate order, Hattori disappeared into the dead of night and has been living outside the guild of Koga, finding such subsistence easy but unfulfilling. Hattori Sunshi has recently set out to found his own, more principled, guild and is making his way to do this under the protection of Wendele Selu Helevorn-Sedis. This has meant severing ties with some of his old friends and parents for a good while, but offers him freedom to live up to his own standards.
Hattori is a man in his late twenties. He is of average height at 1.73 meters and 65 kilos. As a man, but an assassin for most, he is of slender but well built. He has black, well trimmed hair and eyes with a taint of red in them. Hattori wears a black, slightly loose, kimono with a jacket like haori. The kimono under the haori has a carefully sewed black hood that appears as a collar when not used. The space under the kimono provides ample opportunity to wear light armour underneath and hide small weapons, Hattori uses this to be well dressed for any occasion and not be caught off guard.
Hattori Shunsin lives by the chivalry concept embodied in the Assassin's code, he is more than just a common hit man or thug. He gets paid well to do what he does, and he performs his tasks with style. Hattori is at all times calm, collected and gentlemanly. He makes sure that his kimonos are not wrinkled and appear as new, keeping several identical backups around.
Hattori has gotten used to the comforts of high society, and though not unfamiliar with the concept will express discontent at having to sleep in a tent without properly prepared meals. Despite being of slender posture he has a mighty appetite for fine meals.
Hattori Shunsin provides a legitimate service to society, providing inhumation services to those who can afford them. The service also means that no worse criminals, without a most honourable code, fill this niche. Without the Assassin guilds the society would be a lot worse off, and so Hattori is seeking to build a legitimate business given license to run the activities by the authorities. Hattori does not have morals as such, but he does have standards.
Hattori has two parents that are both still alive and well, but at their fifties are getting on in years. He has held an amicable relationship with them for most of his life but for now is not visiting them due to the threat of the Koga guild.
Hattori is a man who believes in a code of conduct, or Jingi, that should come with the profession of assassin.
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- It is a disgrace to inhume anyone who cannot defend themselves, double so much for women or children.
- It is poor form to kill without a contract, for you are not a murderer.
- If you can spare the lives of guards and protectors, this is honourable.
- It is poor conduct to kill in the streets, it is good practice to service targets in their workplace or home.
- You are not a common hitman, you shall conduct yourself with style.
- The crux of the matter is to not be noticed until it is too late, to appear as if from nothing and to disappear back into nothing. As if, but for a couple of newly fashioned holes, you were never there.
- Be courteous, it is good practice to not cause any unnecessary inconvenience.