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Gain a loyal cohort and devoted followers who assist you

You attract followers to your cause and a companion to join you on your adventures.

Prerequisites: Character level 7th.

Benefits: This feat enables you to attract a loyal cohort and a number of devoted subordinates who assist you.

Cohort: A cohort is generally a PC with class levels. It is an a full-fledged character under the player's control. The cohort's level is always two behind the main character's level. Gestalt Characters gain a gestalt cohort. The introduction of the cohort into the campaign is usually done through roleplay, consult with your DM to determine a fitting introduction.

Followers: You can attract a number of followers, each of which are unique and have their own backstory. These are unique, loyal, and assist the character in their own way. While they are generally to low level to be effective in combat, they offer assistance in other ways.

The maximum number of followers you can attract is equal to your (Leadership score / 2), rounded down. As with your cohort, the introduction of followers is done through roleplay.

Leadership score: Several factors can affect your Leadership score, causing it to vary from the base score (character level + Cha modifier). Your reputation (from the point of view of the follower you are trying to attract) raises or lowers your Leadership score:

Leader's Reputation Modifier
Great renown +2
Fairness and generosity +1
Special power +1
Failure -1
Aloofness -1
Cruelty -2

Next to the leader's reputation, there are several circumstantial modifiers that take into account the Leader's position in the world:

The Leader... Modifier
Has a stronghold, base of operations, guildhouse, etc. +3
Is a high-placed official or religious leader +2
Moves around a lot -2
Caused the death of other followers -3

Other factors may be taken into account, based on both the leader's circumstances and reputation, as well as the overall kind of followers the leader tries to attract. For example, a barbarian nomad might receive a +1 for "moving around a lot" instead of a -1 as long as they try to attract followers with the same mindset.

Special: Followers are not generally given detailed statistics, but if needed, assume they are roughly equivalent to level 2 characters with fitting NPC classes. Note that this is just a guideline, and followers with wildly varying levels and abilities are perfectly fine. When in doubt, consult your DM.