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Heraldic Spell [Metamagic / Metapsionic]

Heraldic Spell
Custom Feat

Give a theme to your spells but become easier to identify by your magic

You can make spells and powers appear with your own theme or heraldry.

Prerequisite: Clearly defined personal heraldry, Spellcraft 5

Benefit: A Heraldic spell or power will appear in accordance with your heraldic theme, or similar personal imagery. Fire will burn in your colours, projectiles seem for a moment like your heraldic charge as they shoot towards your enemy and creatures you summon appear as if they are part of your forces.

Those who observe a heraldic spell or power receive a +2 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge: Nobility checks to identify you by your heraldry. If you have 10 or more ranks in Spellcraft, this bonus increases to +4.

Heraldic Spell does not change any of the numerical values of your spells - the spells are exactly the same, they just appear themed uniquely to you.

Heraldic Spells use the same spell slot as the spell's actual level.